Since 1978, Consulting Associates has been involved in operations, management reviews, diagnostics, organization evaluations, reorganizations, coaching and leadership mediation and counseling. Our experience has been across many industries, entity sizes and disciplines. Leader Stephen J. Lux is a broad-based,  highly experienced generalist and counselor.

Lux has extensive depth, diversity and real world experience on which to draw and provide custom-designed, practical solutions. With 17 years in a wide range of operations and management positions and over 30 + years of consulting, Lux provides accurate diagnostics and critical thinking to an organization’s inter-relationships and is adept at developing “a big picture”. Source problems are uncovered  and help is available to leaders when confronting the realities of a dysfunctional organization.

Consulting Associates’ approach:

  • Identify the root problems
  • Prescribe solutions that will eliminate those source problems
  • Help with implementation – getting it right